September 2020 Newsletter

Retreat Yourself Goddess

September 2020 Newsletter

Self Care September

September - the 9th Month of 2020 has arrived!

3 Months until 2021, but who’s counting, am I right?  2020 has shown us a new way of thinking and it has brought to light any outdated beliefs that need to come to an end. What have you learned over this past year? Have you grown into a new way of life?  How you work, how you speak, how you think, how you see yourself and others? Not yet? This month gives us all the reflection time and then a little more! We have a loving, calming influence from Venus, but the kicker! We have 2 retrogrades taking place in the planetary alignment. It is another month to take a back seat and observe.

 We have Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde beginning this month, with long lasting effects. It is time to look within, reflect, reject, and rebalance. Go with the flow, and take practical steps to reach or revise your goal(s). Be like a river and just flow!  Any resistance to this change, or shift, will slow your progress.  Find the flow and enjoy the ride.

Numerology for September 2020

 Major themes this month: Boundaries, foundations, family, friends, stability. 

September 2020 is a 4 Month in Numerology encouraging you to focus on home life.   What is it you need to build to create a firm foundation for your future?  How is your home and work life flow? Are there any simple adjustments you can make? 

Money matters may be in the forefront this month as well.  Without overdoing anything and without overspending,  try and find time to have a little fun when you can. Focus on your future, but also try and appreciate what you have now.  Family and friends will be a huge priority for you as well, seek the balance in all areas of your life and enjoy all you have worked for . 

Mars Going Retrograde

 Where are you headed? What needs to increase its lifespan?  Be aware of new relationships entering into your life, as they usually are not the ones to last (not saying all of them are doomed) because they will be based more on hurried decisions, and you’ll be looking at them with rose colored glasses. Mars is ruled by Aries, and Mars will be going retrograde in its home sign. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, which can give you this urge to leap before looking.  Try to be aware of this when you want to offer this other party the benefit of the doubt, be mindful into November. After November 13th, feel free to let go and run full speed ahead while making adjustments as needed. This is also  a time to avoid permanent decisions, such as getting a tattoo, or a big move, marriage, or piercings. Anything you cannot undo or fix, it’s ok, wait it out and find the flow for the next 2 months!  Some other recommendations for you are to try and watch your temper, your impatience, and your quick judgments. Don’t force anything and seek ease for what is. If you take away anything from this update, it’s that you need to ride the river downstream,  avoiding the struggle to paddle up it.  It is the best advice I can give you!

Life will lead the way, and show you what/who/where to step forward and with who, so hang tight, wait until after November 13th, 2020. 

Candida & Stress

Do you experience Headaches, UTI’s, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, anger, hormonal imbalance, aggression? It may be time to do a Candida Cleanse! 

 Candida is a fungal infection caused by an overabundance of yeast in the body. Candida lives in the gut and on the skin and thrives on sugars. Sugars are in most food and products nowadays, check out your food labels, and attempt to minimize as often as you can.  Many salad dressings are filled with added sugars, and canned goods are too. Check for sorghum syrup, fructose, corn syrup, maltodextrin, dextrose, fruit juice, golden syrup, molasses, maltose, glucose, carob syrup, etc. on your food labels as well… 

 Other side effects of Candida.   In addition to the above; digestive issues, headaches, yeast infections, UTI’s, fatigue, head colds, skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and also lowers your immune response to other infections. Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? 

How can you remove these ickies from the body? 

A cleanse can remove Candida and as a result symptoms will dissipate within 21 days. I offer a 21 Day Detox, that not only removes candida, but also eliminates inflammation in the body. Autoimmune disease is so common unfortunately now,  doctors typically prescribe a steroid, tylenol or ibuprofen to help with the aches and pains and other nasty side effects that accompany this diagnosis. Why not treat the problem and let your immune system and body rebuild itself in the most natural way possible?

 Supplements can help remove some of the candida overgrowth, but ultimately your diet is what will heal your entire system. If you are experiencing candida, or symptoms that could be candida, I highly encourage you to take your health in your own hands and get immune ready for this fall/winter season! It is going to be a cold, wet one!


Autumn Equinox - Mabon

September 21-29th

Reap the Harvest! Happy Mabon! Celebrate Mother Earth and all of her bountiful harvest during this Autumn Equinox! This is the time to cook, clean, and enjoy the earth's gifts before the winter's arrival. Have your friends over (10 or less of course) celebrate and give thanks to all the good in our lives! What do you have to be thankful for? Make a list and share it out loud.  Hibernation mode in the northern hemisphere is right around the corner already, Cheers!

Energy of the Month:

Card(s): 5 of Cups + 6 of Swords

Meaning: It is time to walk away from a situation that is no longer serving you. There are other offers and/or opportunities you are overlooking and it's time to sit back, look at the big picture and move in a new direction and try something new.  I reshuffled these cards twice before my third and final draw because I was asking specifically for 1 card only, 3 times these cards came out together and I knew this was an intentional and powerful message I needed to share! New opportunities/outlooks are just beyond the horizon, this month, especially, you will be feeling this energy both mentally and physically. You have been in a place of lack, feeling stuck, and stagnant energy in an area of your life, and now the Universe is encouraging you to make your move to better opportunities and calmer waters! Change your thinking, change your outlook, change your life. Take a leap of faith and follow your heart, wherever it may lead you will be beautiful and abundant! 

Have the most beautiful September

Kori Martz