October 2020 Newsletter

Retreat Yourself Goddess

October Newsletter

A ReNewed Outlook

October has arrived!

  Take a deep breath! You have made it to October!!! I think I have said this every month this year, oh 2020 you sure have been something special.

Upon entering October, This 5 Month in Numerology, prepare yourself, It is all about CHANGE! To help describe this energy and the experience(s), you have been challenged and realigning all year long to be redirected down your path.  What hasn’t worked out over these past weeks, months, is simply because there is something greater waiting for you around the next corner, and those of you who have already experienced and watched new outcomes come to fruition, you can attest to this.  Be open to the change and opportunities coming in as new paths will be highlighted and old ways may be ending to create a smooth ride from here on out.  TRUST is the word for the month. What is it time to let go of and remove from our lives? Old outdated thinking is coming to an end, ready or not. READY! Be ready.

HAPPY FULL MOON!October has made the full moon famous, but this year, we get 2!  Along with this, we will also be spending some time in Mercury Retrograde beginning on the 13th.  Welcome to the shadow phase.  This will last two weeks leading up to and following retrograde.  Be mindful, we also have Mars Retrograde happening all month… sit tight and go with the flow! This is going to be life changing. You can't stop what the Universe wants to deliver you so TRUST in the alignment, abundance and gifts headed your way! Don’t block your blessings. 

Short and Sweet ...

My intent is not to overwhelm you with a monthly publication in addition to my weekly offerings through my youtube channels as well as my Podcasts which highlight and dive deeper into the astrology, Energy, Health & Wellness based on our current location in the sky.  Instead of relying on this to read through every month, I will be discontinuing our monthly newsletter and redirecting all of you to my live feeds so you are able to follow along as you are ready!

 Check them out to hear and see me chat about ALL the things:

YouTube: Retreat Yourself Goddess

Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/11603830

October Energy Reading:

Card(s): 3 of Pentacles & Queen of Pentacles

Meaning: Not only did we receive the teamwork, contract, commitment card; Three of Pentacles, we also received the safe, secure, stable worker energy of the Queen of Pentacles!

 This month is definitely suggesting work and co-creating, co-producing, teamwork, paperwork, unions, soul family unions and realignment naturally taking place! 

 With the suggested commitment in working together for the best interest of everyone involved, you will naturally feel secure, taken care of, stable and grounded! This month we are searching for stability, and undoubtedly, you will find that.  ‘What you seek is now seeking you.’

 When retrogrades are present, double check contracts before signing them. Once you overlook and double check the paperwork, stability is yours for the taking. Collaborate and learn to trust yourself in any area of life you feel uneasy about and lean in.

 The world is your oyster, open your arms to receive and the Universe will gladly hand deliver you the blessings. 

 Have the best October 2020! I hope you enjoy all of my continued published work and if you need any personal guidance, email, or private message me for a session! 

Kori Martz