

Kori is licensed & certified in energy work, natural aesthetics, holistic healing, wellness & nutrition.

Kori understands that no two bodies are alike and will work with you to become your healthiest, happiest self yet.

Connect with yourself again to find your true nature of love, healing & wholeness.


Life Coaching

Mental Conditioning
Weight Management
Overcome Obstacles

Find your voice again

Reflect, Goal, Go.

Find your inner drive & voice again. We neglect and push away desires and dreams for many reasons. We put our life on hold, there are no more excuses and time to waste. Life happens with or without us, but how do you want to live your life?

LifeStyle Editor

Mind Body Soul Connection
Feng Shui

It’s time to edit your life.

Lifestyle editing is a specific specialty that takes time, dedication and honesty. Many tools are used in this process from Life Coaching, to Ayurveda and Feng shui. Are you ready to live your best life and feel like a ‘whole’ person by 3 sessions? Self improvement can help you sleep better, react more calm and efficiently, have overall self awareness, and find underlying damage/wounds yet to be healed.

Personal Session

Tune In
Tune into your own energetic field
Balance Nutritional & Physical Wellbeing
Balance Emotional Wellbeing
Balance your Soul Wellbeing

We neglect our energy and take on other peoples ‘gunk’ sometimes without meaning too, which weigh us down and create an imbalance in our mental, physical, and emotional world(s). Tune into yourself and tune up for total wellness and balance.

Women’s ReTreat

Create and empower yourself
Mind Body Soul Connection
Strengthen your connection with Source and your soul purpose.

Come create and empower yourself surrounded by your soul family. Perfect your vision and be supported fully. Receive the tools you will use today and everyday for the life you have always wanted and dreamed of. Cultivate, express and live your authentic life purpose with others passionate about healing and growth and connection.

Celebrate Life’s adventurous journey away from your everyday.