November 2019 Newsletter

Retreat Yourself Goddess

November 2019

Get Ready for the Holidays!

By Kori Martz

Natural Immune Boosters!

It is time to prep the body for fighting off the bugs! Let’s talk about Fire Cider, Elderberry & Colloidal Silver.

Are you around kiddos in school, or out holiday shopping with the masses? It may be time to bump up your immune system and help kick those cooties to the curb!

Have you heard of Fire Cider, Elderberries or Colloidal Silver? These are ancient immune boosting herbs and remedies that work wonders on the bodies defenses.  Fire Cider is an Apple Cider Vinegar base with horseradish, garlic, lemon, sometimes honey, and a few other potent ingredients in the mix. This concoction kills bacteria and viruses, helping the immune system do its job. I personally take a tablespoon every morning before heading out in the world to keep my body in top immune fighting form during the holiday season!   Colloidal Silver will help the body heal quicker if you start feeling run down. It has been known to kick the ickies out quicker than any antibiotic given by a medical provider. If you are in a pickle, go grab some Colloidal Silver in a dropper or spray form to ingest orally for 3 to 5 days, and use it 4-6 times a day. Now onto Elderberry, this is another immune-boosting, vitamin c packed, natural herb which can help the body fight a cold in just a few days. A head cold this time of year is the worst! Elderberry is ingestible via tea, syrup or lozenges. You would want to take this 2 to 3 times a day until the cold is gone or when you are on the mend.  Remember to keep your feet and neck covered when you can. Wind and cold weather run down the bodies defenses as it works overtime to keep the internal and external temperatures at the same comfortable degrees. Scarves, hats, gloves and socks will keep you balanced and comfortable! Cheers to a healthy holiday season!

21 Day Detox -  Overview

The 21 Day Detox group were unbelievable! We detoxed our bodies for the first 21 days in October. The detox removes sugar and toxins we accumulate over time and let our bodies recover and reset so it will work properly for us. This detox also helps us to dig deeper into what emotions need to be detoxed and healed as well.  The group is officially ready to go into the Holiday season with a strong immune system and  emotional strength as well.   If you missed this last Detox, we will run them frequently.  Jumpstart your health when you need a boost or feel bogged down! You are never alone on your health journey, we have your back and stay right along with you every step of the way. Again, great job girls!!

Black Friday Specials

Are you ready for the Retreat Yourself Goddess deals this holiday season!? Keep your eyes peeled for the Black Friday Specials to gift yourself and the special people in your life! *Special offers will be available later this month.*

Mercury Retrograde October 31st-November 20th

 Hello… Mercury Retrograde, we meet again.

If you have not felt the effects of the 2019 Mercury Retrogrades, this one will definitely leave you with a sting! Scorpio is hosting this retrograde, which is known to bring an abrupt energy, along with unfiltered conversations and comments that are not expected. Emotions may run high in general with this watery sign.

 This is called a ‘retrograde’ because it reminds us to slow down and think before we react or speak. It is advised we review the details before we sign on the dotted line on any life changes or big purchases. We also need to reflect on our behavior and/or circumstances during this period as well. Mercury retrograde gives us time to refocus on our dreams & goals to see what steps are needed to move forward. Go inward and focus on prepping for when mercury goes direct after the 20th. Do not be surprised if small print on paperwork may be overlooked and come back to ‘sting’ you later on if you do not re-read and re-check everything a few times. Don't rush and give yourself some extra time to do your daily tasks.

The Collective Energy of November


 What is the overall energy of the Month of November going to bring for us?

6 Of Swords

 What do you need to release, let go of and/or move forward in your life with or without?

Is it a job, attitude, habits, patterns, limiting beliefs, ex’s, friends… think about it, 6 of cups tend to represent leaving the past behind you.

The 6 of Cups reminds you that walking away or leaving those ‘things’ behind will free you and let you enter into calmer waters once you take the leap and leave what no longer serves you in the past. If things have been difficult lately, or you have stayed too long in a negative or stagnant situation, things are about to go much smoother for you.  6 of cups represents you leaving your comfort zone to achieve your greatness and walk away from situations that you have outgrown. This comes at a perfect time, as November starts the month in Scorpio, which is all about death and rebirth. November is also hosting Mercury retrograde until the 20th, letting us review our lives at a deeper level to see what needs to change in order to fulfil our own happiness and potential. Reflect, review, redo…  This is all about letting go and moving forward. New opportunities are to come and arriving shortly if you do the work!

 Have a beautiful month!

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Retreat Yourself Goddess

With Gratitude,

Kori Martz

Retreat Yourself Goddess

Certified Life Coach

Licensed Aesthetician

Natural Health Coach

Chinese Face Reader

Toe Reader

Reiki Practitioner 

Meditation Coach


Kori Martz