ReTreat Yourself Goddess

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January 2020 Newsletter

Retreat Yourself Goddess Community

January Newsletter

Have 2020 Vision for the New Year & New Decade

Happy New Year & New Decade!

Welcome to the NEW YEAR & New Decade!

Let’s build our solid foundations this year, a 4 universal year in numerology. The 4 is associated with stability, structure, and growth. What does this specifically mean for you? Get ready to start to build a new foundation to grow your ideas, beliefs and life upon! This can affect you in romance, career, and/or family sector -  or it can be in all the different areas of your life. Get ready for stability to become your primary focus. What are you trying to create, build, nurture? Focus hard, your vision is going to get clearer as the year unfolds. This will be your project for the next Decade.  

A Resolution to Resolutions

Let’s just be realistic!!!

Why wait for the first of the year to begin a resolution? Why not just create a goal everyday to do 1 thing you want to try or accomplish? Only 8% of resolutions are completed, so why can’t February be a month to start a resolution, as it is the shortest month of the year? If you can dream it, you can do it- whenever and wherever! If you try to start a resolution at the beginning of the year, try not to give up after 3 days or if you accidentally mess up, you’re human. This doesn't mean you failed or have to quit if you have one bad day. Forgive yourself, and remember we can all start again!. Find motivation and motivating individuals to help you reach your goals and hold you accountable along the way. This could be a coworker, family member, boss or a Life/Wellness Coach.  “Quit Quitting!” My best friend would say! The saying has always stuck with me for all of these years, and I still apply it to my life daily. Try it. “Quit Quitting” and do something you’ll be proud of yourself for.

It’s Time = 21 Day Detox Begins

 January marks the Winter Detox period! It’s time to remove the toxins again. Funny how they build up in such a short amount of time. Remember to treat your body like you treat someone you love. Between the retrograde phase in November, the Holidays, it all holds onto us!  The food, energy, experiences- it is time to release the build up and start the year fresh! Maybe it is time we welcome the new with arms wide open and create boundaries for a healthy balanced life. A detox is deeper than food my friends.  Join in to see what can change in your life for the better!

Card Reading for January 2020

 What is the overall energy for the month?

TheKnight of Pentacles - The Card of stability & offers of stability is on its way financially, or in love!

The Knight of Pentacles in a messenger of opportunity, stability, love, etc… This also represents patience, and loyalty. It is associated with the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) slow moving, stable, conventional, methodical type energy is a great way to describe this card. This is definitely going to be a strong grounding energy to start the new year! It may seem like a slow start in January, but a promising slow start! No complaints here. A promising start to the new year, new decade, new opportunities, how could that be a negative!? It sounds like a random ‘Oprah day’, where everyone will randomly ‘get a car!’ Whatever is on it’s way to you, slow moving or not, it is going to be a welcomed gift -that is for sure! When your message or gift arrives, you will know… thank you in advance Universe! We are ready for the newness 2020 has to offer!

Health & Happiness to ALL

Let 2020 begin the life you wish to build for yourself! Keep your head high and let the goodness flow into your life freely and in an abundance! I wish everyone a year filled with love, health, new dreams/aspirations, victories, positivity, choices, growth and success! Thank you for your love and support from day 1 everyone. Without you, I would not be here today, helping others and living my passion fully!

New Year Ritual

  It’s time to set your intentions! Taking the time to sit and have a moment to really meditate on your goals and ambitions for the year. To meditate on a thought or feeling, you are beginning to manifest what you want to bring into your life. Every thought you create, attracts your outcome (good or bad) so be careful with your thoughts/feelings towards them. When it comes to manifesting, write the goals down in a special journal or on your calendar for what and when you wish to accomplish them. Once you write your goals down, go outside and read it outloud. After you have verbally spoke your letter out loud, place it somewhere safe and read it daily/weekly/monthly… whatever works for you to remember your intentions &/or grandiose ideas! Everytime you speak your letter outloud, remember to attach a feeling to having already brought it into your life. And viola, you just brought your vision closer to you quicker than you could have imagined.

 Cheers Everyone! So Many Blessings to you all!


With Gratitude,

Kori Martz

Retreat Yourself Goddess

Certified Life Coach

Licensed Aesthetician

Natural Health Coach

Chinese Face Reader

Toe Reader

Reiki Practitioner 

Meditation Coach