ReTreat Yourself Goddess

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July 2020 Newsletter

Retreat Yourself Goddess

July Newsletter

Summertime July 2020

Cheers to New Beginnings!

 Yay for New Beginnings! The 3rd Eclipse of the 4 we will experience in 2020, will be occurring on the 4th of July.  WIth it will bring a strong ending to usher in a new beginning. Happy Birthday USA! 

Mercury officially goes Direct on the 12th of this month. Prepare for acceleration in relation to any new endeavors and in healing our heart and relationships with others.  

 Aries is back in its home planet of Mars, with this you should begin to feel the fire from within, ready to ignite the deepest passions within you to finally make your dreams a reality! Movement is an understatement, and this energy will be around for the rest of the year. Yahoo! Not to mention, Venus went direct last week, June 24th, so green light on the new look! Haircuts, new wardrobes and new relationships are all back to a focus positive influence and encouragement. Thank goodness!

Summer Self Care

Not only did we officially welcome in the new season, we have welcomed Summer in a new fashion!  Quarantine and social distancing practices are still being highly encouraged, and even with the arrival of  the heat, there has been no slow in the COVID-19 spread as they had originally predicted.    It is so clear Mother Earth is grieving the old as it lets go.  With this self care is more important than ever right now, we need to take the best care of not only Mother Earth, but also ourselves to raise the vibration on this planet for it to heal and thrive again. 

 In Ayurveda, summer is a season where our bodies require an internal cooling to counteract the heat in our bodies, mind and spirit. Cooling foods are recommended for all Doshas.  There are 3 Doshas that make up the body; Pitta, Kapha, Vata.   It is important we seek balance within our doshas daily for optimum health. 

Here are a few summertime  tips to try and incorporate for feeling your best, and keeping your body healthy and well protected. 

 In Ayurveda, routine and consciousness is the key. If you feel the need to try a new lifestyle or routine, give it a go!

 Daily Routine:

  • Early Rise

  • Brush Your Teeth

  • Scraping Tongue

  • Oil Pulling (coconut oil)

  • Splash Cold Water on Your Face

  • Drink Warm Water

  • Elimination

  • Exercise

  • Self-Awareness Practices (meditation, journaling, grounding practices)

  • Self- Massage (Dry Brushing)

  • Bathing & Cleansing

  • Breakfast

 This is an example of a routine you can adopt into your current routine to bring more balance and mindfulness into your life.   A weekend trial is a good way to start, but consistency is key, make it work for you and choose what bests resonates with your authentic self.

 Travel Brain ?

Hopefully you've caught a case of the travel bug over any other virus these past few months.  Isn’t it interesting how we all tend to act out and rebel when we are given rules and restrictions even as adults?   I have been creating  a long list of destinations I would like to travel to, see and experience.  It’s hard not to want to travel out of our own backyard when we’ve been sitting in it for months on end, but look! Closer!  There are so many national parks or local gems we tend to overlook because we want to go further and travel the world.  Think of all the tourists in your area who have traveled from near and far to be right. Where. You. are.   This is a great time to seek gratitude in everything including your current living situation.  Afterall you are living here for a reason, and with easy access to air travel, we often forget or overlook the (safer) option of road trips.  Pull out the old road map and pick a spot.  Space and time, take advantage of these moments. 

For a quick trip out of the ordinary, I would highly highly recommend meditation during your down time, this will also provide clarity and calm before the big eclipse coming and for all days to follow.  Remember we are in full go mode from this eclipse through the end of the year, so utilize it and run!

Energy for the Month

Card(s): The High Priestess & Queen of Pentacles

Description: We received 2 cards for this month’s Energy overview!

Not only do we have the strong energy of the High Priestess, the all knowing, powerful, intuitive Goddess, coming through for our energy to encounter for July 2020, we received the powerful, prosperous Queen of Pentacles. 

 These two cards together tell me we will be standing strong in our personal power, in our inner knowing, weighing pros and cons, being led by the Divine, and looking at situations that come from a very high, heavenly place. We have all the knowledge before entering any situation, so go within if opportunities present themselves before making any final decision(s). We will come out on the other end, prosperous and our belief systems will be even more powerful! It is a time to focus on growing our intuition as well as our pocketbooks this month! 

If you have been sitting on an idea, know that your idea is being divinely guided to come to fruition from the only one who can bring it to life! YOU!

Thank you for ALWAYS tuning in, and tuning in to the energies of the month.  July will lead into an amazing August! Hold strong, the best is yet to come. 

With gratitude always,


Kori Martz

Retreat Yourself Goddess

Certified Life Coach

Licensed Aesthetician

Natural Health Coach

Chinese Face Reader

Toe Reader

Reiki Practitioner 

Meditation Coach
