ReTreat Yourself Goddess

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Angelic Guidance

Retreat Yourself Goddess

Angel Messages

How do your angels speak to you?

Angels, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels 

Have you experienced a sense of familiarity towards a song, a smell, a voice, a dream, deja vu? Angels speak to us in ways we can understand when we least expect it. Sometimes these are just reminders they are always with us, and other times a warning to be careful in certain situations. Angels come in many forms, human, animal, experiences, places. 

Have you ever known you are not alone? Certain areas of the home are easier areas to transmit frequency and communication is easier and clearer. Do you have an area you find to be your 'thinking space'? 

Water is an open energy field for angels and spirit guides to enter. You may have the best thoughts of the day in the shower, or brushing your teeth. The bathroom is a very calming, meditative area for a reason. 

Most people cleanse away the negative energies from the day, and have cry sessions releasing toxic energies or experiences where otherwise they would not be released. 

We tend to dream of bodies of water when we need to release or getaway from a situation or ideas. We tend to go towards watery areas for vacations, this helps us relax and release thought patterns or everyday life. 

Water helps us to relax, and the angels come and help clear and lighten your energy field in these healing areas. Empaths tend to find water to be the most calming and rejuvenating. A nightly stroll on the beach, or just the view in the background helps to relax and let go. 

Light workers call in the elements to help in healing practices, and again, water is the emotional center and part of healing needed for necessary release. 

Sunshine and Green lush areas are also a healing area. Mother nature is such a powerful healing tool for everyday use. If not a walk outside, at least driving and seeing and witnessing the outdoors is a beneficial experience. 

When we are very sensitive and want to dull life's experiences, past or present or future, we tend to reach for vices that dull our senses.  Alcohol, food, gambling, spending money, shopping, anger, over-exercising, eating disorders, sleep aids, moving, abandoning relationships, negative attitude towards others. We cope in many different ways, those are just some of the examples you may be finding in your life currently. 

 Angels will come by to remind us, we can only really enjoy the moment. Have a dream, but live your life. This moment is a present and we cannot relive or redo this moment again. Spend it with positivity and encouragement, breathing through the uncomfortable and do it anyway. 

Your angels are usually spending the most time reassuring you that everything will be okay. Regardless of how you are feeling currently, our feelings change moment by moment, day by day, second by second. Your mind is such a powerful tool. 

With social media and the influence of others coming through so strongly in the current day to day, how can you detach from what others think and begin to create and write your own book of what beliefs that will better yourself, your life, and your earthly experiences? 

You can use self love daily rituals and gemstones, feng shui, Reiki, Chakra balancing, ayurvedic dosha balancing and daily detoxing, cleaning up your environment as a quick fix. What do you need to let go of? What emotions, property, ideas, tangible objects, relationships are no longer serving you and weighing you down or holding you in a negative space? Are you achieving your personal goals, work goals, life goals? Do you have goals? What can you do today, that your future self will thank you for? 

Angels are always with us, we just need to listen. What are you trying to avoid ? What is life trying to teach you that you aren't grasping ? Do you have the tools that can benefit yourself and others but you are too afraid to use them because of fear? 

Your angels are always there to guide you, just look for the signs, and most of all, trust. Trust yourself, your inner voice and the nudges that lead you in the highest vibration possible. 

For more information on angelic guidance & your awakening experiences, follow me on tiktok for daily messages & if you'd like a personal session, visit me at 

 Sending you so much love,


Retreat Yourself Goddess