ReTreat Yourself Goddess

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2022! Happy New Year!

2022   Happy New Year!

 Here we are, bringing in the new year after a wild ride for the past decade basically. Are you ready for a new beginning, fresh start, and personal growth? 

 2022 is a "6" year in Numerology and it is full of pure potential, choices, change and togetherness.  We start the year with a New Moon on the 2nd of January in Capricorn, thinking about long term goals, and steps to take to get you there. 2022 is more of an intention year than a resolution year. Think hard about the intention you would like to set for each day and moment all throughout this powerful year. 

 What do we need to re-evaluate? Well at the beginning of the year we are being given the time to look deep within and reflect, review and refine. What is, is not how 2022 is going to be by the middle of May. This year is all about choices, deciding what is working for you, and what is a part of your old story that doesn't quite fit anymore. 

Astro Forecast for the start of 2022

 We start the year with retrograding planets. Uranus Retrograde has been happening since August, lasting 5 months every retrograde period. Uranus Rx is asking you to review what has thrown you off balance and reflect on the feelings of discomfort that have occurred so you can try and heal, both individually and collectively. 

Venus is Retrograde, which happens every 18 months and on January 14th Mercury goes Retrograde. Why does this matter you ask? Great question, it is the ultimate wake up call. This is beginning our next cycle. 

 Not only that, but the USA is having its first Pluto return on 2.22.22- it's intense to say the least.

 We are going to watch the breaking structures deteriorate and rebuild into a stronger, more sturdy, protected foundation. More history in the making for us to witness firsthand and rebuild the new together.  

 How does it feel when you ask yourself, "what would I do if I didn't have access to my bank account?"  

  "What if we had a cyber-attack" "what do I do if I don't have electricity for a bit" "who and where is my food coming from?" 

 These are just a few questions to ponder when we enter this unchartered territory in the USA, and globally as the USA is such a big player in world economics.

All Aboard - Feminine Energy Ahead! 

 Get ready to heal your Feminine side this year and welcome new opportunities. We each have a masculine and feminine energy, also known as the yin and the yang. It's time to get in touch and give total power to your Feminine energy. It's a time of receiving and channeling our truest of feelings and releasing the protective masculine energy. Allow others to help you, learning to be okay with connection, even if it feels foreign. 

 Feminine energy is taking over universally. It is time to embrace your softer side. Admire the beauty in everything you see, feel, and experience. Whatever you get involved in will either feed your passion or it will get booted to the curb.

 I will say be ready for a Feminine energy to take power on a larger scale as well. Try to be flexible as we experience changes on a global scale.

 Extra flooding and extreme weather will be happening this year, especially as Mother Earth is crying from the anger and divide the world is experiencing. It's time to come together, put aside differences and help one another. Peace is power, healing is power, but love is the most powerful.  

Chinese New Year 

  Let's talk about February 1st welcoming the Chinese New Year! What energy do we have to look forward to in 2022 - the Water Tiger! 

 Farewell Metal Ox, filled with intense, physical experiences and welcome emotional go getter energy Water Tiger!  

 What you have been sitting on and working towards may shift dramatically this year. The first few months are going to be hectic, breaking down, rearranged and reworked. This is a choice filled year. Decide what is worth your time and effort, and your instincts are going to be spot on, so do not listen to your neighbors and copy anyone else, go to the beat of your own drum. Remember, a Tiger is known to pounce on unsuspecting prey, and everyone is a Tiger this next 12 months. Your instincts are better than someone else's opinion.  

 Along with this, the Numerology 6 year is all about connection. Relationships are either growing together or growing apart. You'll be energized to find your group, home, career, and passions that haven't been tapped into yet. 

 What can you do to ensure a positive, prosperous year ahead? 

 Besides being authentic, and speaking your truth, ask yourself the tough questions.

Who is holding me back?

What am I passionate about?

What would I like to accomplish within the next 5 years?

Where do I feel at home?

Who belongs in my life?

What triggers have been showing up?

What dream has been put on hold for the past 2 years?

What have I accomplished this past year?

What would I like to grow this year?

What do I promise to do for myself this year?

 My wish for you

  May you hear your intuition clearly, be healthy, (mind, body and soul) and dream bigger this year.  Create the life you are proud of. Quit being influenced by others, heal those deep-rooted beliefs and free yourself. 

 Be kind this year to yourself and everyone you meet. 

Sending you so much love 

 With Gratitude, 


Retreat Yourself Goddess